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Tuesday, February 3

11:02 pm

this post is for the bd!!!

u make mi feel like vomit-ing!!!
stop all ur rubbish la!!!
i tell u!!! u dun even cross my line!!!
or else i will dig ur eyes out!!!
get it!!!
omg man!!!
y cant u be like normal ppl!!!
u are so fucking XXXXXXX la!!!

anyway u must be happy!!
cos i waste my 15min to write this post!

Let it out,

10:01 pm

jessica/motto motto is tagged by magggg/motto motto!

According to your age, list down the number of things that most people don know about you. And then tag 5 people.

1.i love old boys

2.i'm gentle!! ahhaha

3.i want to go uni

4.i love guy with long long hair

5.i like my short hair

6.My childhood ambition was to be a teacher.

7.i hate to watch sad movie

8.97% of my itunes is j-rock song

9.i love gay-love

10.i want my bf to be 180cm and above.

11.i'm a chef

12.i love emo ppl

13.i'n not goth but my mind is!

14.i'm totally crazy

15.i'm a bich that gossip almost everyday

16.i love guys tat cross-dress^^

17.1 own a facebook account

18.i love to watch j-drama! and pi is my love!!

19.i love all j-rock guysss~~~ and of course vosovic^^

Let it out,

12:48 am

woohoo!!!! pics pics pics!!!
i finally upload pics le!!!
today playing with haz cam!!!

Let it out,