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Monday, February 25

9:47 pm

the heart taken by mi...

ps: see my guitar~~(i played before~~~)

black n white

kenn n his heart
tis is nor
tis is sam (where he buy it...)???
tis is ETHE'REAL

the red so match^^cute


tis is ced/kunio
tis is jun

Let it out,

3:25 pm

the onli pic i gt from nw..haha...
but its a nice pic...
taken by siwei~~~~

Let it out,

3:15 pm

i'm talkin to yq n mx nw...
tml they r comin over to play mahjong..
yay!!!mahjong wave~~~
mi n kenn goin to noe each other for one yr...
4 more month~~~3rd jun!!!
time fly so fast...
n i wanna go play guitar~~~

Let it out,

2:34 am

i juz realize tat i didnt update for so long...
i juz went to read up all my friend blog..
and i got a conslusion....i need to update my blog~~
wat to say...hmmm

juz went to h.o.r..
tis is my second time there...
looks the same no much changes...
went to c ethe'real...gig...
they perform 5 song...
1.my wish....
3.one more time
5.ice(new song)

ok..wat can i say...
good performance...
the onli thing is i cant see kenn!!!

before the gig start..
kenn was sittin with us..we were talkin...
after a few min..the gig start~~
we order drink...
listen listen listen...
after 5 song...kenn came back..we continue talkin..
exchange present..haha...
tis time is the longest tat i talk to kenn.,....
later on we sit there until the last two band finish...
second band was ok ok la..
but i dun like the last band...
after tat..kenn say whether we wanna go L-cube...
ok....let's go~~~
we went there..tis was my second time there too....
we went in to a drum room...
den kenn n siwei start play guitar...
after tat kenn play drum...
wow..kenn seem to noe everything..haah..
den i was ask by kenn...wanna play guitar...
so happy....my first note...
den i heard the sound..wow...
so happy..tis is my first time playin e.guitar;..//.
after we stay there i tink less than 45min..
den we went home...
we walk a different path from them...
really regret...not to drink the cola...haiz
but anyway...i dun like cola..in the first place...
y the day end so fast..
i actually wanna to stay @ L-cube longer..haha
wait for ethe'real next gig or jammin ba..
though kenn intro his band member...
but still dunno them quite well..
i onli noe..
asahi- the t-shirt...
n one more guy work @ L-cube//
kk...i will try to update often...
tis week i onli need to work for two day...
can rest more..
nyappy nyappy~~

Let it out,