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Saturday, July 14

10:57 pm

nice soup..in pastamania
my big big face!!!
fad in ah mao mask
my creation of new pasta
can u my mussles n clams
stick together
mi n mx..my hair like curtain
stupid face!!!!
is me is me...
one..on my lip
traffic jam when i m takin bus
sunlight is so strong
c our height...hahha..jkjk
we...i lookin no where!!!
my eye!!!so small
i style my hair..but my hair dun seem to be style...
we look pretty!!!
my fav action!!!
My art family!!!
mi n taufiq with lao po behind
mi n fad 1
mi n fad 2
wow..wat a big face
pls dun use flash in indoor
our dinnerbox (@.@)
mi n lao po
lao po'SSS
lao pa'sss n gui xin
l love tis pic!!!
wat happen to my com!!!
egg in bread...cute
egg in bread 2
mi n my lovely jacket
zhi lian!!!bleh~~~~
mi n nadia
wat m i thinkin???
a lot of air!!!
c wat c!!!
can i eat..mushroom look yummy !
mi n lao po
whose shoe?????
i tink tis pic is nice..hahahah

Let it out,