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Wednesday, July 11

11:43 pm

tis post is replyin to my dearest lao po....

ha..we r changin every second...tis second i might say i hate u..but the next second i might love u..we r changin every second...we cant control it as we r human!!!

of coz every one hav a hidden side..i might not wan u to c who m i...when i m at home..
i did not show u my temper when i m really angry..u will hav a side which u dislike ppl to c it!!
it is very nature de...

of coz can!!no not 100%..97% believe...3% suspect..u r not wrong if u suspect ur good friends..
but dun over...everyone will understand de...

i super hate liers..i cant stand when ppl lie to mi...but how can we prevent it...we cant read ppl mind..as we do not hav supernatural power...those liers choose the path..tat they want to lie to us..so we choose not to believe them anymore..tat fair to every n any one...

if u tink the person is copyin u...juz dun care abt them...copy cat will lost their own character after all...but u did not lose it...after a period ppl will notice it...copy cat will be bored too...if u r too serious abt the matte..tis will onli make the copy cat happy!!!...u wont gain any profit through it...sad n angry grow in ur heart onli...juz smile to them n forget the matter..mayb they will realise it..they will hav it stupid n funny...but tis matter will not b in their heart n mind 4ever...BUT if u keep thinkin it..they will find a space in ur heart..n onli u will rmb tis incident!!!

of coz can!!!we muz learn our lesson n find ways to prevent it to happen again..if u do not believe ppl..u cant survive in the world...

yes,of coz i m selfish...i oso hav things tat i do not wish to share with u...eg:things tat i love...i care...i tink it belong too mi...alot of things...u cant say i m selfish..mayb i onli want to protect my belonngin...

haha..jess oso dun wanna grow up...i dislike ppl treat mi as an adult...they will gif mi all sort of burden n stress...but time is so cruel...time pass veri fast..even if u r not noticin...u cant rewind it..n u cant forward it...i wish tat i can b who i m..as i really love myself alot...i love myself more than anyone else love mi...ppl's cant feel ur feelin so they will say wat they feel...but u muz learn how to forget the negative side..look at mi..i m always laughin out loud n siao all the time..we might not noe when i reach home..i might be a lonely soul sittin at one side of my house...tat y i buy things tat i like...i m pamperin myself but not over!!!not a lot of ppl can b HONEST to everyone...human muz lie den can survive..dun 4get we r animals too...y ppl hide their real self in the dark...mayb they dun wanna get hurt from others..n they do not how to express themselves to others...dun need to noe everyone feelin..if u really wanna noe..den juz noe mine...i will open big big juz 4 u to understand n noe mi...no doubt!!!i promise...>>>>~~~

Let it out,

11:20 pm

Let it out,