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Sunday, April 27

8:22 pm

i'm so lonely:( says:
i'm sad
i'm so lonely:( says:
when u tell mi someone gif u flower..print poster..
i'm so lonely:( says:
i noe i'm not doin anything for u..
i'm so lonely:( says:
i noe i'm juz nth...

i'm so lonely:( says:
u noe everytime u say tis my heart hurt
i'm so lonely:( says:
no to honest to u...i cryin nw
i'm so lonely:( says:
yes once again
i'm so lonely:( says:
becoz of wat u said..
i'm so lonely:( says:
i'm cryin again

Let it out,

6:08 pm

take tis by my webcam..coz i'm lazy to transfer from phone to lap...asahi...thx ash for givin mi tis..
i wan to drink asahi la..wait for mi..k?
i change my ringtone to myv aho matsuri...!!! so cute..

Let it out,

5:17 pm

i dunno wat to believe...
i'm quite angry..

Let it out,

4:01 am

i like friends to call mi jess...close friends of coz
make mi feel so happy..warm..
i miss my friends..
i'm sad when c ur friendster..u can tok to others until so happy..
arrr...nth la...
stupid mi..
today went out with yq ash mx licia dia step..
so late le..ahahha...
i hate ppl who badmouth others...
i hate them/...
i hate ppl who dun reply msn...
no respect....u will get it back..i swear...

Let it out,

2:34 am

i didnt buy the mu shirt..:(
i bought myv cd instead..

Let it out,

2:32 am

i wrote tis while walkin the underpass..ha..
jays cum tah..with love
ash n jess

Let it out,