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Tuesday, July 8

4:12 am

my messy hair :(
angel vs devil
jess n nuh
jess .... n jun ...
i like tis^^ heheh
jess n kenn
asahi n jess
fresh look asahi n jess
half of the pic~~
jess n mx
jun ... n jess ....
jun jun ... n jess ....
knuio n jess^^
kunio n jess

i like tis..looks abit evil huh!
kenn kenn kenn

oh ya..i saw karen n wee siang today..haha
my kenn i really hope n wish u like it man...
heheh....happy super belated b'day present huh!!!!

Let it out,

3:48 am

come i will post den put pics oki!!!
mi n mx reach mdc abt 4plus..
and we r so so so boring!!!
waait wait wait..finally ash came..
n we go in!
seated at the second row in the middle part
den when ethe'Real came out..
mx n mi shouted kenn!!
n i wave to him!!
but at first he onli look up dun wan to wave den i sad..i dunno..
den he wave...hahaha...nyappy nyappy man!!!
den when they perform...
i dunno y kenn start singin..n my tears start to roll down!
i'm cryin man...i have no idea anyway...
mayb is kenn is singin on stage
n kunio has super improve man!!!
i like ethe'Real performance...
n they are the first band who pass the qf 3!!!
but sadly ink is out..
nvm theres still chance!!

after the result show...
mi mx n ash walk to shell
on the way there is a kitten which keep chasin us la!!!
anyway we manage to run away from the nightmare!
back to mdc again..
wait n wait..
finally ethe'Real come out le..
i took pics with jun jun jun..hahaha
den is kunio den sam n kenn..after tat is nuh^^
n n n n n kunio wipe his sweat on my shirt!!! oh gosh~~
nvm coz i did the same thing back to him..
i wipe my sweat on his shirt!!hhha
yay..kenn like the present!!! woohoo...
i'm so nyappy nyappy nyappy...
after photo taking with them
we cab home with asahi...hahaha

tml class @ 8am...
i dunno whether can wake up anot..ahah

Let it out,