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Tuesday, April 22

8:58 pm

waited for so long n finally my secondary school ez-link can retired liao...n my nyp admin card..finally a proper student..
but from nw onward i cant be late...i think tis is impossible~~~i jess...always late...but worth waitin..sound like whose shirt ar?? i think is step de..ahhaah

Let it out,

8:25 pm

anyway today school was oki!!
onli have one thing to blog abt which is
i found a handbook below my table durin last period CM1 lesson..
tat book belong to a guy name javier(if not wrong)~~
i playful so i sms him tat

jess: ur book is with mi..u javier rite??
javier: yup, anyway what time u end school? i see where can i meet up with u
jess: i'm goin home nw...i end at 5.
javier: ps, i'm havin cca trail what time u havin lesson tml? so sorry abt it
jess: havin lesson at 10 tml..u??
javier: having lesson at 8. how do u suggest to meet. Auditorium or student addmission centre?
jess: wat time ur break?
javier: didnt bring my timetable, contact u later.
jess: oki.anyway good luck for ur cca audition...
javier: anyway how should i address u?
jess: jessica
javier: alright. sorry to bother u.thank ya XD

omg..i was damn funny..i should dun b so kpo de..
but i gt a concludation..tat javier tis guy is a nerd...ahhaha
to mi he is..
coz i think so nerd bring handbook to school..somemore he is a guy~~
stupid melC say later he is those ah beng ..den i added..
with lots of tatoos...hahaha
i shall blog the result tml..haha
he is a nerd or ah beng???
anyway i think i'm crazy to sms him at first..
nw ppl u all should noe how bored i am!!!
mayb tis can be file into my one of the craziest moment or stupid...hahaha^^
tata!!! NYAPPY...

Let it out,

12:54 am

i'm happy for them really...
but dunno y i felt so empty n lonely nw..
the feelin is completely different...
i'm sad n who noe??
no one...but anyway show them who u r...i believe u
a lot of feelin is comin out from my head...
emo jess is back??/
i dunno..i juz keep thinkin back when the first time we met each other..
when i noe n rmb ur name...
tok to u..
go to ur gig...
a lot n a lot...
den nw..
i dunno...
but i 'm so lonely...
u understand my feelin???

Let it out,

12:48 am

i did badly for my math quiz 1

i'm dead!!!

Let it out,