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Thursday, May 22

8:33 pm

all the pics of hands is taken n drawn by jess...
hands are kindly contribute by my lovely classmate!!!
lovE it...

ethe'Real rocks la...!!!

Let it out,

8:22 pm

jack's hand
marcus's hand
jun xian's hand
wei han's hand

matthew's hand 1
matthew's hand 2
jon's hand
wei kian's hand
haziq's hand 2

playin with mayo!!!


Let it out,

11:25 am

database mock test nw...
i'm dead!!!

i wan a real promise not a empty wan..
if you tell mi something..* pls make sure you make it..
i have already sad for many times...
u might be bz..but i'm always waiting for you to complete wat you say..
i gave you time...
and i hope tis time you will be able to make it!!
dun make mi sad again...

i wan tics for superband 2....
tics pls!!!

Let it out,