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Saturday, May 10

1:02 am

to tis article!! there are some other grp guy!! hair longer than them..did u open ur eyes??? i doubt so!!!

peeps...i really cant stand tis guy....
plz...do u noe ethe'Real well???
i cant say i noe them well..
but i'm sure they are not tat kind of ppl..
ur blog http://community.mediacorp.com.sg/TV/CS/blogs/baguatv/default.aspx...
has a big pro!!
below is taken from his blog..title..15 非常SuperBand + 1 非常SuperBang

Not happy isit?

Not happy your band was told to 'tone down' and avoid being too 'extreme'?


You want to look like this world 'owed you a miilion bucks'?


You want to sound so angst-ridden like somebody just 'scolded your mother'?


Listen up kids, the Producers know what gives you a better chance with SuperBand 2. It's all about playing by the 'rules of the game'. It's all about strategy and tactics.

You are joining a competition where the public votes amount to 50% (judges votes amount for the remaining 50%). In an Asian Chinese community context, you are not going to garner masses' approval when you go the 'extreme' way. You can be special, unique and talented but please do not confuse these qualities with putting up a cosmetic 'I hate this world' image.

If you want to be so stuck up in your 'zombie' attitude, you can continue to sing 'underground' to your handful of fans. And rot.

You know who you are, boys. We saw your band in a corner with 'eyes spewing venom...tongues hissing like poisonous snakes' as if you were being so hated by this 'unfair world' (after you were told)...

Thank God, at least the other 15 (12 bands and 4 groups was officially revealed as the final top 16 as of tonight) are alot more adorable. Talking about the others...I am glad to see a big change in this season of SuperBand 2

u muz accept them as wat they appear wat..
tone down!!! are u sure...
if they tone down..ain't they juz like the rest 15 grp,,,...
like tat who wan to watch superband..
n pls..dun say go

if you want to be so stuck up in your 'zombie' attitude, you can continue to sing 'underground' to your handful of fans. And rot.

are u sure...

i think u dun like them from the start...
and tat all i have to say...
tis is my blog my life...
n u pls get a life...

sources taken from:http://community.mediacorp.com.sg/TV/CS/blogs/baguatv/default.aspx!!!

Let it out,

12:18 am

1) At what age do you wish to be married?
27 n after...but if i found the muz married man..of coz i will juz marry him!!

2) If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 buddies you'd take and why?
dont ask tis kind of stupid qns...i will not la!!!

3) Where is the place that you want to go the most?

4) If you can have 1 dream come true, what would it be?

5) Do you believe you can survive without money?

6) What are you afraid to lose the most?
everything i have nw

7) If you win $1 Million, what would you do?
i will bao myv as xiao bai nian!!!kanno..saga..yasu...all visual kei la..i'm greedy...

8) If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
yes. N i did!!

9) List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.

10) What is your dream GIRL/BOY?
visual kei..hah..u say dream wat...i'm always dreamin!!

11) What kind of person do you hate the most?
badmouth ppl...they onli fit to tok to my ass...

12) If you are given the chance to go back to the past and make a difference, will you?
no..wat done cant be change..guys be practical la..

13) Unconditional Love, what does it means to you?
givin out without any condition!!

14) Any wisdom to share with your readers?
yes..support visual kei..read my blog

15) If there's ever a war(or things that are similar) happening in your place, are you going to move to a safer place or fight?
i wont run away..but i wont go to the warfield...

16) If you have the chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
nth..i'm perfect...

17) Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
some of the girlfriend..sometime is *

18) What's your weakest point?
i cry easily..

19) Think of the person who tagged you to do this quiz. What song do you relate him/her to?
impt mahh???? dunno la..

20) What is the one thing you regret most?
i dun regret...coz i'm always lookin forward!!

21)Name people who you want them to do this question.
2)Chao Shi
3)Li Rong
7)jia jia

Let it out,