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Thursday, May 1

1:32 pm

nyappy 300th post jess...

wow jess...is 300 not 30 haah

dunno tat i can blog for soooo....long

n so many post...

cheers to rabbitlovemi.blogspot.com

more ppl come n read..hahahah^^

Let it out,

1:28 pm

happy may day!!!
later goin out with my girlfriends....
but quite tired n restless nw...
dunno y..
mayb tml gt school ba..
lucky its a short period!!!
surfin net den go prepared...
so sleepy...
thx step n jun n darling for the concern
i will be fine ba..
tis is wat i'm tellin myself everytime..
yest i slept @ 5am...wow..
coz i'm watchin jap drama..
goin to watch the last two cd..

Let it out,

12:20 am

i so tired...
i dun wan to be like tat..
i wan to forget..
anyway u wont noe when i gone..
coz there r so many ppl around u...
u will never noe it when one day u need mi..
i think not even the one day..
coz u will never need mi...
kill mi..i wan to forget..
i so tired...
plz plz plz...
i'm tired when u make mi sad..
i'm tired when u make mi happy...
i'm tired when u make mi touch...
i wan to forget...
will u ever know???

Let it out,