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Tuesday, August 26

8:03 am

cant find ethe'Real de!!
anyway take pics with ashleynawi~~
he still rmb our name!!!
hmm..juz reach home..
it's like 27 hours until nw i haven sleep...
juz nw went mac with ash n mx...
gonna post all the pics once i got it!!!
n i finally take pics with my kenn
today QF was scary!!
anyway they are in for semi-final!!
gonna talk to jun^^ once i saw him online!!
i wan to know wat happen!!
oki...i gonna go blog hopping
den off to bed!!!
maybe later @ 7-8pm..
i will online again!!!!
wahahah...oh ya..
didnt i post..
i didnt breathe in fresh air in the morning for dunno how many weeks!!!
and it's fresh!!
i bought walkin' butterfly..
it's damn damn nice!!!
ps!!! more pics with my kenn
n my book 4!! i'm slacking!!
wheres my ktv??
guitar @ ur hse???
wahhaha...WHERE!!!!!WHEN!!!! WILL???


Let it out,