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Friday, July 20

6:47 pm

i wanna get married 2day!!!
who wan mi....hee...
Mr Zhang i waitin to go ur weddin on 20 10 2010!!!!!

Let it out,

5:57 pm

sorry licia...nth happen!!!

Let it out,

1:32 am

Gemini go everywhere together, hand-in-hand, symbolizing your dual nature. Our world comes in pairs: good and evil, male and female, in and out, yin and yang -- and you Geminis are living proof. Some might say Gemini are an entanglement of paradoxes, but the truth is that Gemini have an easy acceptance of opposites. Gemini world is one of duality. Gemini can like this and that, one thing and its opposite. It's like you see your world through a radio and Gemini can tune experiences and points of view in and out as your interests change.

You Geminis are curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. Your mind can bounce around from one topic to another with great ease, making Gemini the champion of cocktail party chatter and lighthearted social encounters. Others will think that Gemini are fun to be with, but your ability to change with the changing winds can also lead others to see Gemini as shallow.

Gemini motto might be "A rolling stone gathers no moss." You are the eternally youthful child, no matter your chronological age. A razor-sharp wit can have you verbally dueling with the very best of opponents, who moments later are your best of friends. As you fly through life, don't forget to take time to smell the flowers.

Element: AirThe astrological element of air represents movement. And the most efficient movement between two points is often a thought. Air signs are thinkers. They emphasize the intellect over other functions. With active minds and a good command of language, the air signs are the natural born communicators. They can be light and breezy as the breath of spring, but their words can also carry the power of a gale force wind.

The air of Gemini is always changing direction. First the winds blow one way, then another. It's a metaphor for how our mind solves a puzzle, first thinking one way and then trying a different approach. This is a restless and searching wind.

Third House: CommunicationThe Third House symbolizes all aspects of communication -- and most communication happens within our immediate environment. Therefore this is also the house of our surrounding. Traditionally, this includes the type of interactions that happen between siblings, whether or not you actually have any. It also represents quick trips and short-distance travel.

Key Planet: MercuryMercury, the Messenger of the Gods, moves around the Sun faster than any other planet. He symbolizes our thoughts -- not only how we think, but how we communicate. In fact, Mercury is in charge of all language. Mercury is our active and rational mind. It is not only "just the facts" but also what we do with them. As the key planet of Gemini, Mercury is restless and changeable. It drives us to talk and to listen, but not necessarily to action.

Gemini Greatest Strength: Your curiosity about a variety of interests

Gemini Possible Weakness: Distracting yourself from what is most important

Let it out,

1:11 am

Gemini, the twin sign, is light as air and mutable. It is the sign of dual personality, more so than any other sign of the zodiac. This native has two distinct natures. They blow hot and cold, are with you or not with you, or they are sunshine or showers. All of these variable dispositions are found in this sign more so than any other. You will find some "good Dr Jekyll, to evil Mr. Hyde" under this sign.
At best, they are many-faceted people, sparkling and brilliant. Ruled by Mercury, the fleet-footed messenger of the Gods, they are great communicators. The Gemini mind is impersonal, and never guided in decisions by emotions, or even qualities of right or wrong. They can think problems out for other people, for their approach is always rational, though cold. Mercury makes them very capable people. They can turn a hand on anything and do it well. They have a professional touch, and are nimble-fingered, skillful and adroit. They move quickly and gracefully and are impatient with anything but high speed.
More often Gemini people are found in the legal profession, or writing for newspapers. You will also find many in the fields of electronics, radio mechanics, engineers, and dentists. They make excellent certified public accountants. Many financial manipulators come from this sign and some have ended up as fraudulent schemers.
The natives of this sign are socially in demand. They appear gay and charming even though within themselves they are not at all interested. They always appear sociable, and really add to the success of any group. They are witty and poised and highly stimulated by society. They are usually well informed and apparently have plenty of information on any subject mentioned. This is not always true, but Gemini thinks so quickly and speaks so fluently that a very superficial knowledge goes a long way. A Gemini with a Mercury in an earth sign (Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo) would not be able to think and respond that quickly as the thinking processes are slow in these signs. Though Gemini people enjoy social popularity, they are often sharp-tongued and gossiping. They can spread a rumor faster than anybody and sometimes this causes them to get in "trouble". Gemini is often called the "trickster" and their schemes are impressive (as along as you are not a part of it!).
Gemini people are often good looking in a clear-featured smart way. Their mien is animated and wide-awake, expressive of great intelligence. They are however, exceedingly nervous, impatient and variable in manner and mood.
The health of Gemini natives is usually excellent. With excessive strain, the lungs might be affected, as they are sensitive in Gemini. Gemini rules the hands and arms as well as the upper respiratory system, the nerves, and the part of the brain controlling higher thought processes. They are clever with their hands and like to use them a lot. They seldom contract illnesses and maintain a remarkably even grade of health. A Gemini personality remains youthful and young all through their life. They just never "grow up" in the way demanded by society. In Gemini, "the boy", is forever present.
In love and marriage, Gemini men have the contrast of mild affections and sensual passions. As a lover, the native is arch, flirtatious, teasing and boyish. He is seldom vitally interested and even when he is attracted, another personality can quickly charm him. "Fickleness" is very much a part of the Gemini personality. He fares better as a husband. Home ties do mean something to him, especially if he marries an intellectual companion. The one thing that a Gemini man will not tolerate is a nagging, demanding, possessive type of woman. When Gemini men have overbearing wives, they often leave home. He is temperamentally unfit to endure constant pressure. A Gemini person may have a superficial attitude toward their relationship with relatives or spouse. He is ruled by the mind (Mercury) and unless other influences in his horoscope contradict this, the emotions are somewhat shallow. He tends to be a flirt, but this is part of his nature and should not be taken seriously. His experience of love is rarely deep.
Gemini women are exceedingly refined. The disposition is sunny, the mind active and agile, and the manner in society poised and charming. They are attractive to wealthy men who wish to have wives who suggest class and appear well bred.
The "negative type" of Gemini has a tendency to do a lot of things haphazardly and nothing especially well. They fritter away their time instead of concentrating their energy sufficiently to achieve excellence or success. They become restless, unable to stick to any regular or repetitious occupation for long.
The "positive type" of Gemini displays much masculine force and initiative. They have definite views, have a variety of talents and make excellent managers and executives. They are as firm and dependable as the negative type is irresolute and irresponsible.
A Gemini native requires more variety and change than other people. They need frequent vacations, and love to travel to many different places. They tend to work much more efficiently if there are changes in their schedules and breaks in their routines. They are adaptable to different people, situations and environments.
People with moon in Gemini are very sympathetic to Geminis, plus Libras (September 23 to October 23), and Aquarius (January 20 to February 19). Sagittarius (opposite sign) is complementary in some way, but Geminis might find them excessively jovial.

Let it out,

1:08 am

Let it out,

12:27 am

Let it out,