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Monday, August 27

8:40 pm

went to c livevil 2nd gig....elegant delinquent 2
before we reach...we went to buy donut...
q abt 1-2hrs..
but it is nice anyway...
though i found it veri sweet..
back to the gig..
they perf abt 8 song...
after the gig..we take pic with them n pass them the donut..
pass xiang his name..n thx xiang 4 his choc..
pass kenn his cd...cookie n two donut..
after tat we went to celeb sl b'day at marina south..
eat steamboat..
soo full...
after tat they play pool...
we manage to take the last train..
reach home abt 12+...

i m not feelin well...
i tink it is becoz of the steamboat...
i went to the toilet 4 six time..
okok...i tink everything had over..

2day pe..we went for a walk..
actually is 4 our cross country...
we r supposed to run..but i m not feelin well...(even if i m feelin well...i oso will walk..)
i tink 2day school was fun..
we keep listenin to one guy voice..
which was..*** *** **** **
i tink our class can sing better..no dobut!!
2day eng lesson..mr siva..told us a quite sweet n sad story..
it is abt a guy name chris n his wife deborah..
the husband suffer a disease amnania(not sure abt the spell)
he forgot everything n only have a memory of 7 sec!!!
but he still rmb his wife...but pronoun her name as harobed...
the wife tried to leave him but still she love him..
and went back to him...
if i m the wife..i will stay till my husband die or i die..
n mr siva told us abt opear...story..althought i heard tis story once...
opear believe in love yourself more than anyone love you...
i believe it too...
i wanted to tell something but cant tell..
not i dont wan to tell...but i scared...
tat y..dont blame mi..

a little bit unnyappy abt..y my pic not up but hers...
nvm...if tat so..den let it b..
wat can i do...i m juz a people on the road..
happen to walk pass u once n say hi..
forget it ba!!!~~~
later goin to watch campus handsome guy n gal...yeah..
actually i onli interested on the guys..haha

Let it out,