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Friday, July 18

10:08 pm

today i complete oopp application table..
i onnli left with the diagram not draw yet..
den oopp project will be finishin soon...
big thx to MATTHEW jia jia wei jian zhi xian christine darling haziq wei liang..hahaha
dmd project submit last monday..
so nw i onli left with cs which we will presentation on next next tue..
database submit next thur
oopp submit next fri!!!
hahahaha...den next mon i gt mock test on it 1815!!!
next fri i gt final quiz on dmd..close book!!
den need to prepare for EXAM!!!
i gt my dmd common test grade...
and surprisingly i got a B...hahahaha....omg..
i tot i will fail..i told my friend!! i can get above 5mark i'm very nyappy le..
hahaha...now i'm double nyappy nyappy!!!!
i hope to get A for my math exam!!!
pls let mi..n i know i will!!!
because i lovE math!!!hahahah
i think i'm tired!!!hahah...
ethe'Real qf6...lucy gonna perform on qf6..
tats all!!!..
myv is lovE...
i'm learnin his kavki boiz
omg the rap part!!!
hehehe..i will master it!!!
tml gonna go vivo...buy my dnd outfit..??sport wear!!
thx steph..for acc mi...

where are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
i wan to talk to u laa....u always so bz!!!
i can onli make myself bz..hahaha^v^
anyway jia you huh!!! rock the stage man..
coz u are my kenn...
get high get smile get smack get kei^^
i know i'm random~~
i wan to type morE abt my daily life
but i scared my blog will be very borin...
i know its borin nw..

i wan to study study study!!!!
i'm been slackin since school start la
from next week u will see a nerd jess...
i wan to score for my exam...
i somehow lovE infocomm...
juz likE java..

oh ya...my class ppl funny man
they say i likE jon!!...hahahahahah
wtf..actually i likE my nnek..
heheh...shy man!! so dun say le!!!
later if gt gal likE jon will come kill mi..hahaha
anyway i wont answer those stupid question!! @.@
anyway i think my classmate are nice..EXCEPT FOR SOME!!!
i wan to be a peace-maker!!!
u dun cross ur limit, i wont do anything...\
coz i take everything light..hahaha
coz i think if the thing dun concern mi..i wont help unless u seek help from mi..
my world onli gt
black or white side..
yes or no..
good or bad
like or hate
friends or foe..

i lovE durian man...i juz ate them..
n it's yummy yummy yummy...
but if durian is green in colour i think it will taste much morE better...
i still gt lots of pics haven upload
i'm Flazy!!

Wataru seken wa aho bakari!!

those who can understand den tat good...
for those who dun understand...
make a guess n i will tell u if u are correct!!!
i totally agree tat sentence...
surfing youtube now..
i lovE green apple green tea!!
u know y??
because it's green in color!!hahahah

Let it out,

9:54 pm

Let it out,

9:49 pm

mx send mi a interestin email...
i think i should share the joy man!!! hahaha

GEMINI You are quick and intelligent - a thinker. People like you because you are bisexual, You are also a cheap bar steward, expecting everything for nothing. Gemini's are notorious for thriving on incest.

wth..i think it's quite true...i lovE it..hahahahah..
i know i'm sick man!!!

Let it out,