Tuesday, October 28
8:25 pm
today i'm like damn blur..i tot french makeup lesson is 9am...but it start at 8am end at 9am!!!omg!!!!i onli reach there for 10 mins!!!and i still ask if i m late!!oh gosh..the worse thing is i told haz it's 9!!and make him miss the lesson!!!sorry sorry!!!my fault my faultanyway i treat him coke!!!ahahhaha...damn damn damn blur!!!!tml meeting them @ 10.30am for vb!!i gonna sleep early today!!!i'm damn tired...hey sometimes i still thinks abt u..ahhaomfg... i goin to get over it le!!!shhhshshshhhhhh!!!
Let it out,
2:23 pm
melO say:girls breast are meant to be keptboys chest are meant to be see!!!hy call mi juz nw!!!wahahahha.....so tired nwblogblogblogblogblogblogblogblogblogblogblogblogblogisisisisissisisisisisisisisisisisisisisiissiisisisisisisisisisisisisdamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamnfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfun
Let it out,
3:19 am
i think i'm over ui think i think i think i think i think!!ha..i'm always strong...not nenk but is someone^^someone is someonei'm over now i hope so:(
Let it out,
2:58 am
cute cute cute man!!!!!
jona's sis n ash's sis!!! ^^
Let it out,
2:26 am
steph say shao le yi dian tai feng.. ying you yi tian piao.. mei you gen shang jie zou...hahahaha
Let it out,
12:03 am
laallalal....once again..jess u are stupid like a fool!i gonna cry out anytime...damn i dunno y!!!!!juz let it go who dunno but..hahahdamn it!!!
Let it out,