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Tuesday, July 3

9:37 pm

i hate my nose...juz like u dun like ur mouth
red strawberry from k-box....
mi n u....
u n mi..but ur hair veri itchy...hahaah

hahaha..rmb to check undertable before u put anything...
damm fun...my friend drop her file juz becoz of tis hahaha...
look out!!!


mi in HK Cafe....taken when ash went to restroom...

Let it out,

7:52 pm

yo...2day is my blog one month anni....
wooo....dunno i can blog 4 so long..
i tt i would be borin abt bloggin...haha..
kk..next time i gonna drink ginlime...
i wonder isit nice mah????
i tink i post quite a lot..haha...
goin 60posts in only one month...
2day hav my oral...quite nervous de...
because the teacher i noe...
she noe mi quite well too...
i tink i can pass ba..not tat bad..
finally prelim oral over...
yeah..oral actually suppose to end before june holiday...i tink..
drag until 2day den test..i did not prep 4 it..
2day no art homework...
listenin to jj song...haha..thx to neo!!!!!
5 stars to jj album....
i don't really listen to chinese song nowsaday...
coz i m trap in jap song..
but jj album..impressed mi...
still rmb i went to his concert with ash...
wow tat tis my first time...
his voice really smooth lor....
can listen till i sleep...
hmm...lab work 2day...was so hot...
a little bit scary but fun...
school was alright too...
nth special...
o ya..anna n mrs loy not here..two free period..
haah...lean on sl back..wanted to sleep...(no smell)
den he keep movin n tokin...
cant sleep so i went back..to my jays cum teh area...
haha...nth to post le...nyappy...nyappy....

wat if the dream does not meet the target...i will prove u wrong....dun look down on me u will lose out...

Let it out,