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Monday, October 8

9:56 pm

juz went to mx's blog...to tag her..
den i realize tat we actually noe each other for 5 yr le..
tis 5 yr can said is a long period but..
to me it juz like an hour before..
everything juz pass by mi so fast...
i wanna catch it..
i mean go back...
the nyappy time we go through...n of coz those sad time..
ha..like the 'N' level...
i was so afraid tat i cant make it...
i knew tat if i cant come back..i will lose contact with u all
nw 'o' level...
i wish we can get to the same poly..
u all r the best fren i can ever get...
so sad tat we r leavin each other...
my words to everyone...

u r one of my best best best fren...
really hate to leave u..
but i noe we hav to go diff path
but i wish tat even we seldom contact each other next time..
i hope in ur heart..a small corner...
u will still rmb the days of happiness we shared...
the trouble we once create...
the tears we shared..
n finally the guy we eye for...
all the excited would not be forget...
all the event we went together..
like the green club at expo...
so funny but tired...

to:Yan Qing
i know u personally for 9 yr...
somehow i can said my understanding to u might b deeper...
cause i c u grow..n u c how i grow..
do u still rmb tat..we were late for the PSLE result...
when sec one camp...i onli noe you...as my fren..
we shared many memory....
n wat can i say..u r such a carin fren..
when i m low u will gif mi the concern...
somehow bright up my day...
hope tat we dun lose contact..
dun forget..our hse is onli 30 blocks distance...

hihi..our big sister...although u cant b with us tis yr but we did not forget u...
when i first saw u...
i was quite scared abt u..
u gif ppl the feelin tat..dun tok to mi..dun touch mi..or u will die..
den how JAYS was form..
all thanks to Mr Woo...
because of his english class...
we become a united grp..
still rmb if i did not choose art..i might not b close with u all...
i tink meetin u all is really FATE..
the onli word i can use to describe our relationship...

ha..the first time i saw u..
i thought u were a malay...
but when i hear u talkin to other ppl...
den i noe tat u r actually a chinese..
still rmb the sec 3 camp..
we hav to go in the woods at night..
so fun but scary..
i still rmb u were the person who stand behind mi...
both of us lead the class from the startin to the end..
we walk together..n our heartbeat beat fast 2gether too...
y i always kiss ur face because of ur reaction...
so funny...not tat i m a les...hope we can work at HMV together...
of coz i will wait for u back to Singapore...den go interview for jobs^^

wat i want to tell u was...
all of us were very concern abt u...
sometime i cant detech ur concern but i will try to reflect myself
i really appreciate wat u hav done...
being ur angel for the first time was a fun one..
being ur devil for the second time..i noe some time i was too over..
but i hope u will understand..
u r really easy-goin n can b friend with anyone..
but i truly noe tat jays cum teh is deep in ur heart...
if we really lose contact..i will always rmb u as the person will piggyback mi...
sometime i said things tat hurt u n i am sorry abt tat...
i juz want to tell u something..
dun waste ur time to wait for the person tat might not turn back n look at u..
he is not worth ur time n u can find someone better than him a few times...

to:Mei Xiang
u noe y i always bully u..
because i like to bully u..
i love u as a friend...
still rmb tat we go out and shop until no money...
dun run away..ok..
the holiday i sure will dig u out of the hse...
rmb i always like to call u in the middle of the night....
laugh at u..
but u r the friends tat will help..
although u will say lame joke..
and go sing k everytime like never on the mic..
but i like the hang out with u...
ha...u r such a good friend indeed...no dobut...

wow...pls dun off ur phone or change ur house contact no without informin mi...
pls charge ur phone...
can i say u r the blur queen in jays cum teh...ha..
u r so cute...juz love to hug u...
dunno when u become more funny den last time..
u will crack joke n even do funny action sometime ..
haha...n u r the most intelligence girl among us...
i oso hope to open up ur brain n c wat's inside..
u r the ppl i worried most to lose contact...
i cant reach u in one month...
mayb the next time i c u will b on the result day...
but i will try u call u down..of coz u muz on ur hp..
or i call mx go drag u out...


Let it out,